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Monthly drinking cure with moringa from the Philippines, 4x 30g herbal mixture



Drinking treatment focused on detox, weight loss, treatment of intestinal microflora, liver and IMMUNITY!


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The treatment consists of 4 herbal mixtures, which are changing after a week: an herbal mixture of moringa oleifera with mint, butterbur, angelica and milk thistle.

The first week is recommended to drink 1 liter of moringa tea with mint daily, the drink regulates the intestines digestion. The second week is focused on the lymphatic system, again a liter per day - moringa with pike. In the third week we will focus on deacidification and drink a liter of moringa with angelica a day and we will end the fourth week again with a liter per day of moringa with milk thistle.

We recommend adding capsules for greater efficiency.

Package contents:

moringa oleifera with peppermint

moringa oleifera with butterbur

moringa oleifera with angelica

moringa oleifera with milk thistle

Weight: 4x 30 g

Country of origin:

moringa oleifera: Philippines

other herbs: EU.


Ivana Bednářová Častvajová

Jana Beneš 402

55102 Jaroměř
